The CD is out! and You can buy it via bandcamp
Below is a video of the live shadow puppet show that accompanied part of our performance on Saturday. Check it out!
The release celebration was really special, with bike-generated sound system, performances by the Genie, Justin Ancheta and Mana Maddy, shadow imagery performance by Toni Tone and Dennis Eustace, and lovely live art by Suzette Turner and Kelly Patton.
Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate! As a solstice gift, I've made two of my songs available for free download on bandcamp, As One and Source that Feeds both inspired by the unity of humanity our connection and our common source. Listen, heal, share, enjoy and project love and purification to the water systems of the world.
Justin Ancheta
Mana Maddy
The Genie
New Silk Screened CDs and patches
live art with Suzette
puppeteer script