“She channels the voice of mother nature! Heather Normandale, "I Go Walking" LIVE MUSIC VIDEO produced by Local Music Channel, watch the full video here: https://buff.ly/2FEmsdA”
“Repping her most recent album, Trembling Water, Heather Normandale & her trio aim to awaken people to a time where water wasn’t just bottled for money, but collected as a precious life source. No bland lecture here though, as all the knowledge is dropped through finger pickin’ tunes & topped off with unrivaled poetic melody & lyricism.”
“Bay Area singer-songwriter Heather Normandale has released her new full-length album, “Trembling Water.”..The stylistic fare of “Trembling Water” ranges from bluegrass folk in the vein of Nick Drake's more tender moments to extremely rhythmic, almost tribal acoustic pop, if such a sound can be imagined. Normandale's natural and unpremeditated singing, the foremost consistency and capital attraction throughout the record (with the possible exception of some truly ingenious and non-derivative songwriting) lies somewhere between Bjork and Angie Hart of Frente!. Listeners will take great pleasure in hearing startling differences from one track to the next, while enjoying also the same excellent qualities throughout. No single track stands absolutely out from the others, making “Trembling Water” one of those rarest-of-rare holy grails of music appreciation: the music album composed entirely of singles.”
Bike-touring musician inspired by “the trembling music of water” As a musician who tours by bike and train with the Pleasant Revolution, and also powers performances by pedaling, Heather Normandale already has a lot of green cred. But her environmentalism doesn’t stop with her methods of traveling or amplification; She also finds the inspiration for her music in the natural world. Her current project looks to the source of all life on the planet: water....Heather takes inspiration from water and its ubiquity in our bodies as well as in the natural environment and blended banjo, cello, and percussion to make some really gorgeous music...Heather notes in the Kickstarter campaign that the current state of the world’s waterways (as well as our own bodies) includes pollution and blockages. Her aim is “to heal, to reflect, to educate, to inspire those who want to sing, reflect, heal and connect.” Big goals – ones that show the spirit of Dylan and Baez without the attempts to impersonate them.